
You are invited to a free webinar on Keeping Your Cool in These Stressful Times.

Learn about the importance of managing stress and simple things you can do to help reduce the negative effects of stress.

Click here https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtf-6vpj0qGddtpXu8TWm52W_Ebzq2AhLD to register for this webinar that will take place on June 7, 2024 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.


Facts About Stress

This is the place to learn about how the mind and body work together.Mind/Body Devices are tools that measure how your body reacts to stress. These instruments can be used to learn how to relax and bring your mind/body back to a state of balance.

On-going stress management/reduction can reduce a person’s baseline stress level so that when stress increases to unusual levels the system may have more of a reserve to handle it. Biofeedback assisted relaxation training can be very helpful in this process. Many people don’t know that they have compromised systems like the cardiovascular system because they don’t have any symptoms that are noticeable enough to seek medical attention for them.

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Stress Minimizing Books

Stress Testing Card Video